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Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is to achieve a world in which

- people can fulfill their passion and aspiration through their work
- Nonprofit, Private and Public Sector institutions co-work together for the common purpose of solving social issues

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide opportunities for people to work on various social issues crossing the fields of Nonprofit, Private and Public Sector institutions

Establishing Background

The growing diversity and complexity of social issues in Japan

As the social issues in Japan have become more diverse and more complex these days, conventional administrative methods are no longer sufficient to provide solutions for everything. It's getting more important to link the government with the private sector or the nonprofit sector in providing various solutions to those issues beyond the boundaries of sector.

The Social Sector in Japan is still a minority

There has recently been widely increasing consciousness towards the Social Sector in Japan and the word "social entrepreneur" has been gathering a lot of attention. It has been almost 10 years since the Social Sector in Japan has been officially developed and their activities have increased over the last few years. However, while there seems to be many young people who are potentially interested in working in the Social Sector, like NPOs, the people who actually work in the sector are still minority in Japan. So, most NPOs are now facing a shortage of manpower as well as resources, which limits their activities.

An urgent need to increase internationally competent human resources

On the other hand, as the presence of the Japanese Private Sector in the global market has been weakened, the private sector is now faced with an urgent need to increase the number of young people who can be internationally competent and thus strengthen Japan's presence globally. Currently, although many Japanese companies are eager to find a way of educating capable human resources who can compete on an international scale, they have yet to find any concrete solutions to internationalizing their young employees other than opportunities to study foreign languages abroad.

Opportunities to work beyond the boundaries of sector or country

We, CROSS FIELDS, think that one of the useful solutions to address this situation is to provide opportunities for young people to work beyond the boundaries of sector or country in order to promote flexibility and uniqueness in their way of thinking. We believe that this solution should simultaneously satisfy the needs of workers, Private Sector and Social Sector, and ultimately it could also serve Japan's national interest. Actually, we have encountered many young people who are potentially eager to take this kind of opportunity and we are willing to provide them as this could create many candidates who could become the leaders of the Japan of the future.

Our Name and Logo

TCROSS FIELDS was named with our desire for a brighter future and a better world, which is based on two key words of our mission, "To provide people opportunities to work CROSSing their own FIELDS". The word FIELDS here doesn't mean only the sectors of Government, Private and Nonprofit, but also includes other various categories like country, philosophy and preconceived ideas.

The logo of CROSS FIELDS comes from the image of a ship making its voyage in a stormy sea, which represents the current Japan that is facing various complicated social issues. We think that three major sectors of Government, Private and Nonprofit should co-work by forming an arrow pointing toward the direction we should move. Our image color of red symbolizes our passion to improve the world, starting with Japan.


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